Excavation Software



Benefits Of Using Excavation Contractor Software

Excavation contractors are responsible for managing all phases of an excavation project. The most important aspect of the project includes appropriate estimation of cuts, fills, profiling of the trenches and planning of work. A well designed excavation contractor software can help contractors manage the different aspects of the project. A suitable software platform can help in managing of the business.

Inventory Of Equipment

Traditionally contractors depended on manual methods for estimation and used spreadsheets for managing projects and tracking of details associated with the projects. A well designed excavation contractor software product ensures standardization of processes and job management. With the aid of the software each process or step of the job is carefully and impeccable executed. There is very little possibility of errors with use of technological tools such as digitization or takeoff. The software also increases the convenience associated with quickly scheduling the jobs. Each resource has a clear role to play in the job and so it is extremely easy for the staff from move excavation equipment from one job to another.

Heavy Equipment Operators

The excavation contractor software should also help the contractor easily match employee skills with equipment. This will ensure that a excavation job is carried out safely and quickly. The ability to view employee skills will enable the excavation contractor software to help the contractor in scheduling the work allotment of employees. The contractor can schedule excavation jobs taking into account the availability of equipment and the skill of the employees in using the equipment.

Excavation Estimates

Traditional methods or communication as well as documentation are flawed since they do not allow information to be easily accessed by all the concerned parties. With an advanced excavation contractor software, the firm gets impeccable data warehousing features. Project managers can easily locate the data that they need from a central storage space. Problems such as inadequate distribution of information or misplaced documentation does not occur with a superior software system. Strategic decision making becomes easier, since the software system provides important information on real time basis. With availability of information, sharing of the information with customers also becomes easier. This ensures that customers are kept abreast about the project and are assured of its timely completion.

Excavation Cost Analysis

A excavation contractor software should also provide a cost analysis of using rented equipment in a more appropriate size as opposed to the equipment you own. This should take into consideration the fuel and other costs associated with using a larger machine or the extra pay required to use a smaller machine for longer. The software should also be able to provide a cost analysis of the benefits of renting out the equipment your business owns and renting more appropriate equipment for the projects you have on hand. This module will enable the business to increase profitability.

Excavation Accounting

A excavation business should use a excavation contractor software that has an integrated accounting module. This will enable the business to keep track of payments due and bills payable. The contractor should have access to real time financial data so that they can follow up with customers for payments and also pay their bills and employees on time. A excavation contractor software that can connect the inventory, accounting, scheduling, and estimating aspects of the business will enable the contractor to streamline operations and realize many cost benefits and savings without compromising on the quality of service.

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